Knec stops replacement of lost, defaced exam certificates as from 2017

1 min read


KNEC (Kenya National Examinations Council ) has stopped the replacement of lost, defaced and burnt certificates.

Anyone requiring replacement would instead be given a notification sheet indicating he or she sat the examination in question.

Knec deputy secretary in charge of field administration Mohamud Ibrahim said the changes were made this year.

Mr Ibrahim added that remarking of candidates’ answer scripts after the release of results had also been stopped.


Read ALso How do I get my lost KCSE and KCPE Certificates or any

“Late registration of candidates has been banned too,” he said during the just-concluded 20th Annual Private Schools Directors conference in Mombasa.

The Knec top official added that the reduction in the duration for marking, processing and release of national examinations results was effectively implemented.


“Vetting of officers engaged in supervision, invigilation and marking of national examinations by the Teachers Service Commission, return of extra question papers and related materials to Knec after the administration of tests were also done,” he added.

Mr Ibrahim pointed out submission of inaccurate registration data, registration of candidates after the expiry of the given period, failure to upload and submit candidates’ photos and some examination centres without valid registration certificates as some of the challenges the council was facing.

He asked private schools to help eradicate malpractices in national examinations.


Kenya Private Schools Association chairperson Mutheu Kasanga said its members would prepare adequately to implement the new curriculum once it was ready.

“As key players in education, we are always ready for change,” Mrs Kasanga said.

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