Fees guidelines for public secondary schools in Kenya January, 2016 2017

1 min read

On 10th March, 2015, the Government gazetted fees chargeable in schools with a clear provision that any variations shall be done by the Cabinet Secretary whenever necessary through the Government Gazette.

The purpose of this statement is to restate that fees to be levied in schools remain as gazetted in all vote heads in line with the Gazette Notice No. 1555 of March 2015 thus:


Vote head Boarding schools of all categories (KES) Day Schools (KES) Special Needs Secondary Schools (KES)
Government Parent Total Government Parent Total Government Parent Total
Teaching Learning Material &Exam 4,792 4,792 4,792 4,792 4,792 4,792
BES and Meals/L 32,385 32,385 26,790 26,790
Repairs, Maintenance & Improvement 800 2,392 3,192 800 1,086 1,886 800 800 1,600
Local Travel and Transport 800 1,621 2,421 800 1,033 1,833 800 800 1,600
Administration Costs 800 2,516 3,316 800 772 1,572 800 600 1,400
EWC 1,500 6,302 7,802 1,500 1,651 3,151 1,500 1,000 2,500
Medical 278 508 786 278 411 689 278 860 1,138
Activity Fees 600 798 1,398 600 656 1,256 600 500 1,100
Personal Emolument 2,700 5,972 8,672 2,700 3,055 5,755 2,700 5,000 7,700
Insurance (Medical & Property) 600 1,060 1,660 600 710 1,310 600 860 1,460
Top UP   19,730 19,730
Total 12,870 53554 66,424 12,870 9,374 22,244 32,600 37,210 69,810

Parents are therefore advised to only pay the amount in the Gazette Notice and report incidents of any students turned away for not paying higher fees to their respective County Directors of Education.

Boards of Management in schools are expected to run schools within the set ceilings with austerity measures in place to ensure that the cost of education is affordable to all parents in order to achieve access and quality education for all children.

County Education Boards must ensure strict compliance with these policy guidelines. They should take appropriate action, including revoking the appointment of any Board of Management in any schools where the guidelines are violated.

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