Utafiti Primary School is a public mixed day primary school located in Kikuyu Location, Kikuyu Division, Kabete Constituency in Kiambu County
Best Performing pupil in KCPE 2017 results : 445 Marks
Level of education: | PRIMARY SCHOOL |
Status of school: | PUBLIC |
Sponsor of school: | CENTRAL GOVERNMENT/DEB |
School institution type: | MIXED, DAY ONLY, ORDINARY |
Classrooms: | 8 |
Students: | 327 |
Pupil teacher ratio: | 40.9 |
Pupil classroom ratio: | 40.9 |
Pupil toilet ratio: | 27.3 |
GOK TSC male: | 2 |
GOK TSC female: | 5 |
PTA BOG male: | 1 |
PTA BOG female: | 0 |
Non teaching staff male: | 3 |
Non teaching staff female: | 5 |