TSC payslip registration Kenya 2018

1 min read

TSC Payslip registration guidelines

Tsc online payslip registration

In order to attain the payslip online at the Tsc portal, the teachers in Kenya are required to access the official TSC website http://www.tsc.go.ke/ and then they will have to click on the link that will register for the pay slips online. There is, however, another option that can be used to register directly with Kenya online through http://payslip.tsc.go.ke/login.php.

To obtain the Tsc payslip P9 in Kenya, it will be necessary to fill up the required form that will appear only after clicking on ‘register for a payslip here’. The form required to get an online payslip for Kenyans requires the true details of the following parameters-

  1. TSC Number
  2. Surname Name
  3. First Name
  4. Other Name
  5. National ID Number
  6. KRA Tax Pin
  7. Date Of Birth
  8. Designation Code
  9. Paystation Code
  10. Bank Account Number
  11. Phone Number (Mobile)
  12. Personal Email
  13. Enter New Password
  14. Confirm New Password
  15. Select Secret Question
  16. Secret Answer

Here are the 7 mistakes that you should avoid while doing your Tsc payslip registration

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view my payslip

www.tsc.go.ke online services payslips

tsc payslips online may 2017

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