The joint communique between TSC and KUPPET Naivasha retreat

1 min read

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) held a joint meeting on 22nd August, 2019 at the TSC
Head Office to deliberate on the following issues:

1). Implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) 2017-2021;


The Commission has implemented Phase Three of the CBA 2017-2021 for KUPPET
members. The meeting discussed the implementation status and challenges.

2). Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2021-2025;

It was agreed that there shall be a joint retreat between TSC and KUPPET not only to evaluate the progress and the gaps in the implementation of the current CBA, but to also lay grounds for the next CBA.

3). Enhancement of Teachers’ Medical Cover;

TSC contracted AON Minet on 1 July 2015 to manage the teachers’ medical scheme. Although the cover has been applauded by teachers, there have been some operational challenges in its implementation. The Commission undertook to address the issues raised while engaging the next period’s service provider whose tender has already been advertised.

4). Harmonisation of House Allowances;

KUPPET requested the Commission to review the teachers’ house allowances as per their job Groups instead of basing these allowances on the geographical location where teachers work.
Specifically, KUPPET recommended that all house allowances
be harmonised. The Commission undertook to consider this proposal.

5). Other Issues/discussed

KUPPET proposed that the Commission expedites the processing and payment of teachers’ exit benefits in the following ways:

i). that the Commission be mandated by Law to handle both the processing and payment of pension claims for KUPPET members.

ii). that TSC and KUPPET explore the possibility of KUPPET members adopting a Defined Contributory Pension Scheme.

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