If your student is a current FBISD student, and you do not already have access to Family Access, contact your child's campus. If you are new to FBISD, you will be granted access to Family Access when you enroll your student through the online registration process.
website https://skyward-fbprod.iscorp.com/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsedufortbendtx/seplog01.w
To obtain your username and password, please go to the appropriate grade level section below.
Student Password Information for Students (Returning 7th thru 12th graders)
Returning 7th thru 12th graders use your last year’s username and password. If you are having trouble signing in with your previous username and password, follow the instructions below:
Student Password Information for Students (EE thru 6th and all students new to Fort Bend ISD)
Parents/Guardians will need to assist students by following the instructions stated in the section Student Password Information for Parents.
Student Password Information for Parents (Guardian On Record Login ID and Password Required)
Parents please follow the instructions below to obtain the Student password Information as soon as possible allowing you some time to help prepare our students for their start of school. Please use the Login ID and Password of the Guardian on record to sign in.
Click here for Grades EE thru 6th and all new students 7th thru 12th grades
In the event your student is having trouble signing in with the provided password information, you have the following options:
Please ensure the following information is readily available when contacting your campus or the Student Support Center:
skyward family access login
skyward login
skyward student login
fbisd schoology
skyward student login fbisd
skyward alvinisd
skyward ecisd
fbisd skyward password reset