The school software contains all requirements that are essential to managing a school. It is complete in functionalities and easy to learn and operate. It can work in a networked environment where it connects to all teachers and users within or in a standalone computer. In a networked environment teachers can be able to mark exams online for their classes and students. It has an integrated real time financial accounting system that includes fee managements.
SMS service can be used by parent to enquire on school fees balance and student performances.
It can be scheduled to send messages automatically to teachers or parents on special occasions or alerts. It can also be used ad hoc to broadcast to parents and board members on important events and dates.
It is available for primary and secondary schools or as combination of both and currently has the following modules
A) Register Master for Teachers and Students
1. Personal Details
2. Passport Photos
3. Contacts and Relatives
4. Discipline and Punishment Details
5. Free lance notes that can be arrached to a teacher ir student.
6. Past students and teachers are archived and kept in history
which can be as long as you want (5, 10,20 or more years)
B) Class Management
1. Class Students List
2. Daily Attendance
3. Subjects & Exams
4. Result Markings and Ranking
5. Teacher Messaging Sub-Sytem for Productivity and Discussions
6. Time Tables & Time Management
7. SMS Services to Parents, Teachers and Inquires
C) Fee Management
1.Maintains Fee Structure By Class Groups
2.Generates Due Fees & Balances
3.Collecting Daily Fees
4.Collect Fees by Batch Journals
5.Fee Deposits from Banks
6.Import Fees From Excel
7.Fee Statements for Students
Due fees are generated at the end of every term and
are based on a class’s fee structure.
When a student pays,his/her fee balances
are reduced by the payments.
They are three methods fees can be paid:
1.Collect fees for each student
2.Using Fee journals
3.Fee deposited to banks or other financial sources.
D) Library Management
1.Maintain Library Item Details
2.Lend and Receive Back
3.Stock Library (Stationery can be Included)
4.Issue stationery to Students
5.Stock Taking
6.Maintain Publisher and Author Lists
7.Import Books, Acquisition and Stock Taking Sheets
ELCEN has an efficient library management system
that is easy to use and has powerful search capabilities.
The system makes the recording of borrowing simple and
provides useful information about each item therein.
The library system is used for.
1.Maintaining records of books and
inventory of material used for learning.
2.Tracking borrowing and returns of items and may fine for damages and late returns.
3.Reporting on inventory, circulations, acquisitions and overdue items.
Report files are produced using Crystal Report Writer
and are not have hard coded in the sytem which mean
that all reports are customizable for the users or
by the users. There is a selection of rich standard
reports that are deployed by the system.
Users can add own reports to the list if they have
report writing knowledge of Crystal Reports.
Additional reports can be sent to users on request.
Outputs from reports can be printed or saved as
1.Microsoft Word
2.Rich Texts
3.WEB Pages
4.Microsoft Excel
5.Acrobat portable documents
6.Send by Mail
7.Send by SMS
E) Inventory Management
1.Maintain Item Details
2.Stocking & Replenishing
3.Issuing Statutory Stationery to Students & Teachers
4.Selling Snacks, Toiletries, Uniforms, Books and etc
5.Stock Taking
6.Asset Register
F) Ledger Accounting
1.Ledger Journals & Transactions Entry
2.Recurrent Transactions
3.Import from Excel
4.Account Reconciliation
5.Asset Register
7.Ledger transactions are integrated with school fees
G) Reporting
Ledger Reports
1.All standard Reports
2.Income & Expenses Statement, Balance Sheets and Trial Balances
3.Transaction Reports
4.Many Others
School Reports
1.Subjects & Exam Results
2.End of Term Reports
3.Class Room reports
4.Library Reports
5.Inventory Reports
6.Student & Teacher Reports
7.Many Others
All reports are customizable
Feel and Looks
User friendly:-
1.Windows based with consistent interface throughout its modules.
2.Common tasks are grouped by user menus.
3.Can customize window screens and colours.
4.Learn one window and know all approach.
Capacity: No limit to
1.Number of Users, Students, Teachers or Staff Members
2.Number of Classes Streams
3.Number of Subjects or Exams
4.Amount of Current and Historical Data.
1.Database Passwords
2.Passwords and Users Restricted to Grouped Roles
3.Teachers Can be Restricted to Own Classes
4.Access to Data and Windows restricted to Grouped Roles.
Passport Photo
Student and teachers passport photos can be inserted and used on IDs and reports.
Identification badges can be printed directly from the system
STUDENT/TEACHER Numbering format
The numbering format is determined by the configuration setup.
You can either have auto-numbering or type in number when you
create a new entry. The number can be combinations of
digits and letters. Auto number is more preferable
and the possible formats include: -
1.PLN Plain (e.g. ABCD1234)
2.N-Y Number-Year (e.g. 12-2012 or 0012-2012 or 0012-12 or 12-12)
3.N/Y Number/Year (e.g. 12/2012 or 0012/2012 or 0012/12 or 12/12)
4.Y-N Year-Number (e.g. 2012-10 or 2012-0010 or 12-0010 or 12-10
5.Y/N Year/Number (e.g. 2012/10 or 2012/0010 or 12/0010 or 12/10
6.Own Customized system
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