Official St. Columbaテ「竄ャ邃「s Technical Training College Contacts, Courses ,intakes ,fee structures and Location 2018
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Official St. Columba’s Technical Training College Contacts
P.O. Box 824 –90200 Kitui
Courses offered at St. Columba’s Technical Training College
1. Artisan Fashion Design and Garment Making (KNEC) for a maximum of 45 Trainees
2. Artisan Food Processing Technology (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
3. Trade Test Garment Making (NITA) for a maximum of 45 Trainees
4. Trade Test in Food Processing Technology (NITA) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
St. Columba’s Technical Training College Location
Type of college
Private Technical and Vocational College
Apply Today St. Columba’s Technical Training College Main Campus
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