Official St. Clare of Assisi Training Institute Contacts, Courses ,intakes ,fee structures and Location 2018

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Official St. Clare of Assisi Training Institute Contacts

P.O. Box 26 - 30501

Courses offered at St. Clare of Assisi Training Institute

1. Trade Test in Tailoring and Dressmaking (NITA) for a maximum of 30 trainees
2. Trade Test in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy (NITA) for a maximum of 30 trainees
3. Craft in Food and Beverages Production and Services (KNEC) for a maximum of 30 trainees
4. Craft in Information Communication Technology (KASNEB) for a maximum of 30 trainees
5. Craft in Accountancy (KNEC) for a maximum of 30 trainees

St. Clare of Assisi Training Institute Location


Type of college

Private Technical and Vocational College
Apply Today St. Clare of Assisi Training Institute Main Campus
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