Official P. C. Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute Contacts, Courses ,intakes ,fee structures and Location 2018

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Official P. C. Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute Contacts

P.O Box 21280-00100 Nairobi

Courses offered at P. C. Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute

1. Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Telecommunication option) (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
2. Craft in Electrical Engineering ( Telecommunication Engineering) (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
3. Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Power option) (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
4. Craft in Electrical Installation (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
5. Artisan in Electrical Installation (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
6. Trade Test in Wireman (NITA) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
7. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Production Option) (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
8. Craft in Mechanical Engineering (Production Option) (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
9. Diploma in Automotive Engineering (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
10. Craft in Automotive Engineering (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
11. Artisan in Automotive Engineering (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
12. Diploma in Civil Engineering (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 Trainees
13. Diploma in Cooperative Management (KNEC) for a maximum of 30 Trainees
14. Diploma in Human Resource Management (KNEC) for a maximum of 30 trainees
15. Craft in Human Resource Management (KNEC) for a maximum of 30 trainees
16. Diploma in Business Management (KNEC) for a maximum of 30 trainees
17. Craft in Business Management (KNEC) for a maximum of 30 trainees
18. Craft in Sales and Marketing (KNEC) for a maximum of 30 trainees
19. Craft in Information Communication Technology (KNEC) for a maximum of 30 trainees
20. Diploma in Information Communication Technology (KNEC) for a maximum of 30 trainees
21. Craft in Science Laboratory Technology (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 trainees22. Diploma in Food Technology (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 trainees
23. Diploma in Applied Biology (KNEC) for a maximum of 30 trainees
24. Diploma in Analytical Chemistry (KNEC) for a maximum of 30 trainees
25. Diploma in Food and Beverage Production, Sales and Service (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 trainees
26. Craft in Food and Beverage Production, Sales and Service (KNEC) for a maximum of 20 trainees
27. Trade Test in Plumbing (NITA) for a maximum of 20 trainees
28. Trade Test in Motor Vehicle Mechanics (NITA) for a maximum of 20 trainees
29. Trade Test in Welding and Fabrication (NITA) for a maximum of 20 trainees
30. Craft in ICDL (ICDL) for a maximum of 30 Trainees
31. Diploma in Accountants Technicians Diploma (KASNEB) for a maximum of 30 trainees
32. Professional in Certified Public Accountants (KASNEB) for a maximum of 30 trainees

P. C. Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute Location


Type of college

Public Technical and Vocational College
Apply Today P. C. Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute Main Campus
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