NEMIS National Education Management Information System SQL Structured Query Language
ICT Information Communication Technology
OS Operating System
RAM Random Access Memory
IFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information System UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
The NEMIS comprises four key modules, each of them having sub modules within them. The functions and details of the modules are as captured below.
a) Institutions Module: This module captures registration and physical aspects of an institution. It achieves this through its six sub modules as presented below.
i) Institutions Registration: The purpose of this sub module is to register institution with the Ministry; this will be used by both Existing schools and news schools.
ii) School infrastructure: It captures equipment and fixed assets in terms of quantity and acquisition date
iii) School Utility: Captures the utility name and brief description on the utility type.
iv) Co- Curricula: Captures the co-curricular activities that takes place in institutions,
year and the highest level achieved.
v) Teaching and learning material: Captures specific quantity of learning materials both
the course books and the supplementary books
vi) Emergency reporting: Enables the school administration to capture any disaster that
affects institution.
b) LearnersModule:Thismodulecaptureseverydetailnecessaryfromlearnersbeginningfrom
their registration; their performance and progression in the education system; and their transition from one level to another. The learner module has five sub modules as follows:
i) Unique Personal Identifier: This module enables the learner to input birth certificate, ID number or Alien number whereupon the system will auto generate a UPI.
ii) Learner Registration: Captures contact details of the learner
iii) Student mobility: Captures details of the learner, mobility type, discharging institution
and the new institution.
iv) Performance Progression: Captures performance details of each learner after
completion of specific level e.g. Primary, Secondary etc.
v) Learner Talent: Captures details on learner’s talents.
c) Staff Module: This module captures every detail necessary from members of staff (teaching
and non-teaching) beginning from their appointment and mobility within the education sector. The module has five sub modules as follows:
i) Teachers and Non-teaching staff registration Module: This interface captures teachers and non-teaching staff personal details in an institution.
ii) Teacher Mobility: This interface captures transfers of teachers from one institution to the other. It also displays the transfer history of a teacher.
iii) Teaching areas: This Interface captures subjects/units a teacher is teaching in an institution.
iv) Study Areas: This interface captures areas a teacher is trained on.
v) Teachers’ responsibilities: This interface captures responsibilities assigned to a
teacher within an institution.
d) FinanceModule:Thefinancemodulehelpstrackincomeandexpenditureinallinstitutions
through its five sub modules.
i) Fees: This interface captures the fee amount of an institution with all the approved fee items.
ii) Capitation: This interface is for setting up the capitation to be disbursed to public Primary and Secondary school in a given term within a calendar year.
iii) Income Returns: This interface captures all amount received by the Institution within a given in a year.
iv) Development Fund: It interface captures projects funded in an institution within a given financial year.
v) Expenditure Returns: This interface captures the actual amount spent, milestones achieved and the percentage completed in a project.
e) Password: This interface enables the user to change password.
f) Reports Module: The reports interface allows the user to generate routine and adhoc reports
specific to their mandate. This interface will allow export of data for advanced analysis based on prescribed formats (Excel).