KNEC KCSE SUBJECTSテ「竄ャ邃「 CODES - 2019 2020
1 min read
List of the subjects (and their Kcse codes) that KNEC ( Kenya National Examinations Council) do use to test in KCSE ( Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education ) examinations:
- English- 101
- Kiswahili- 102
- Mathematics- 121
- Mathematics, Alternative B- 122
- Biology- 231
- Physics- 232
- Chemistry- 233
- Biology for the Blind- 236
- General Science- 237
- History- 311
- Geography- 312
- CRE- 313
- IRE- 314
- HRE- 315
- Home Science- 441
- Art and Design- 442
- Agriculture- 443
- Wood Work- 444
- Metal Work- 445
- Building Construction- 446
- Power Mechanics- 447
- Electricity- 448
- Drawing and Design- 449
- Aviation Technology- 450
- Computer Studies- 451
- French- 501
- German- 502
- Arabic- 503
- Sign Language- 504
- Music- 511
- Business Studies- 565
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kcse 2019 grading per subject
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knec grading system 2018
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