101/1English pp1 and 101/2 English pp2 State house Girls
101/3 English pp3- St. Georges Girls
102/1Kiswahili pp1- and 102/2 Kiswahili pp2- RTI, Hazina-SouthB
102/3 Kiswahili pp3 and 121/1 Maths pp1- Pangani Girls
121/2 9. 231/1 Biology pp1- Buruburu Girls
231/2 Biology Pp2- Moi Girls Nairobi
231/3 Biology pp3 - St. Georges Girls
232/1Physis pp1-State house Girls
232/2 and 233/1 Chem pp1-Moi forces Academy-Nai
233/2 Chem pp2-Buruburu Girls
233/3 Chem pp3~ Buruburu girls.
311/1 and 311/2 19.312/1 Geography pp1-Moi Forces Aca Nai
312/2 and 313/1 CRE pp1-Pangani Girls
313/2 and 443/1 Agric pp1 Moi Forces academy-Nai
443/2 ,445/1 and 445/2 27.565/1 - Buru Buru Girls