kmtc march intake - KMTC September Intake 2018/2019 Application & Shortlisting

1 min read

The Kenya  Medical  Training College wishes to notify trainees that the list of successful candidates is posted on the  College  Noticeboard and Website.  Admission Letters have been posted to applicants’ portal for their downloading.

Interested trainees who applied and were not successful have an opportunity to revise their applications for courses that have vacancies. Candidates who were not successful in the World  Bank,  MOH and KMTC scholarship opportunities too may also apply for other courses of their interest.

Notice is also made to other interested candidates who did not apply that limited vacancies are available in some courses for March and September 2018 admissions as listed on the advert posted on the website

All new applications are made ONLINE with an application fee of Ksh.

2022 payable via MPESA pay bill No. 964150 following  the  applicants’ guidelines outlined on  the  

KMTC website ( Application Portal opened on  

Wednesday 22nd  February 2018;

March opportunities close on 27th  March 2018 while  September applications close on 4th May 2018.

KMTC SUPPORT and contacts

In case  you need any assistance on the  application process please call any of the following  numbers 0736993813, 0736212060, 0723000429,

0746763315, 0723004516 or send an inquiry email to admissions@ You may also seek advice on the application process from any KMTC campus that is nearest to you.


kmtc march intake 2018 2019

kmtc 2018 march intake

kmtc january 2018 intake

kmtc 2018 application

kmtc 2018 intake

kmtc 2018 intake requirements

kmtc shortlisted candidates march 2018

kmtc 2018 courses

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