How to register for NHIF online Portal, Membership Forms, Covers, Payment and Benefits 2018

4 min read

NHIF insurance registration process


NHIF registers all eligible members from both the formal and informal sector. For those in the formal sector, it is compulsory to be a member. For those in the informal sector and retirees, membership is open and voluntary. To register with NHIF as a member, fill in the Members Form. To register as an employer or organized group, fill in the Employers Form.


Who is eligible?

Any person...

Who is a *resident in Kenya?

Has attained the age of 18 years. (No age limit after the age of 18 years)
Whose total income from salaried or self-employment is more than Kshs. 1,000 per month or Kshs. 12,000 per year.
Drawing an income from Kenya
Working under contract or casual terms of employment
It also includes voluntary contributors
* This includes foreign visitors permitted to work or study in Kenya

What do I need to bring?

Kenyan Residents
1. Copy of National I.D (including spouse if applicable)
2. Copy of Employer Appointment/Introduction Letter (excludes self employed/voluntary contributors)
3. Coloured passport photo (including spouse & dependants if applicable)
4. Original & copies of Birth Certificate(s) for dependants

Foreign Residents

1. Copies of passport, alien certificate or work permit (including spouse if applicable)
2. Coloured passport photo (including spouse & dependants if applicable)

Foreign Students

1. Copy of passport
2. Coloured passport photo
3. Submit the required amount under the Voluntary/Self Employed Category

Where can I drop off my form?

At any of our branches located country wide.

NHIF Employers requirements 

1.Certificate of Registration
2.PIN Certificate

NHIF benefits

Upon admission in hospital an NHIF member is accorded services and the hospital makes a claim to the Fund for reimbursement
An in-patient cover for the contributor, declared spouse and children
Provides comprehensive medical cover in majority of over 400 accredited Government facilities, Mission health providers and some private health providers across the country
Provides in-patient services in private and high cost hospitals on a co-payment basis
Comprehensive maternity and CS (Caesarian) package in government hospitals, majority of mission and some private hospitals
Dialysis at Ksh 2,500 per session at the following medical facilities:-
- Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi
- Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital, Eldoret
- Provincial General Hospital Kisumu
- Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru
- Coast General Hospital, Mombasa
- Siloam Hospital, Kericho
- Mediheal Hospital & Fertility Centre
- Muranga District Hospital, Muranga
- Thika Level 5 Hospital, Thika
- P.C.E.A Hospital, Kikuyu
- Consolata Hospital, Nyeri
- Tawfiq Hospital, Malindi
- Africare Limited
- Kakamega Country General Hospital
Family planning' Vasectomy and Tubal Ligation
NHIF does not exclude any disease.

 Contributions & Deductions

Formal sector employees' contributions are deducted and remitted to the Fund by their employers. This is done by Cheque or through E-banking.
For members under the voluntary category, they pay Kshs.500 per month (Kshs.6000 per annum). For those in formal employment, contributions are made as per their income.

 Payment of Claims

Claims are submitted by hospitals directly to NHIF after the contributors have been discharged from the hospitals. The claims are examined by the Fund to ensure validity before payment.

A claim can however be rejected and the hospital informed accordingly to incorporate either the missing documents or to address the abnormalities identified. The Fund strives to pay claims within 14 days upon receipt of the claim from the hospitals. Members who opt to clear the bills with the hospital may launch a general claim directly to NHIF for reimbursement.

NHIF Sponsored Programmes

NHIF seeks to establish partnership with individuals and/organizations to finance health insurance for indigents including orphans & vulnerable children, poor older persons, persons with disabilities and destitute families. The indigents shall be identified by NHIF or the sponsors. Enrolled indigents and their dependants shall have access to the current benefit package of inpatient cover in any of the health providers accredited to NHIF countrywide.


Accrediting & Contracting Hospitals

The Fund strives to accredit as many hospitals as possible so as to ensure all members access NHIF benefits whenever they are across the country. NHIF has an objective accreditation criteria and guidelines that aim to encourage hospitals towards quality improvement. Accredited organizations are those recognized by the Fund and allowed to offer services to NHIF members and claim reimbursements thereof. Accreditation of a health provider takes into account the services, personnel, infrastructure and equipments among other issues that the institutions have. The level of rebate therefore corresponds to the grade after scoring the various aspects. The Fund, further contracts the health facilities to ensure they provide services comprehensively. This means that NHIF members walk in and walk out of the facilities fully treated at the cost of NHIF without making additional payments. The contracts spell out the obligations of the health provider and NHIF.

 Download Registration forms

Download Members Form

 Download Employers Form

 Benefits Package Inpatient/Outpatient Scheme


nhif registration form

nhif outpatient form pay online

nhif addition of dependents

nhif benefits

nhif kenya rates

nhif hospitals

nhif payment

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