According to the new standards from the Ministry of Education, teachers are to be reviewed through filling online appraisal forms. The head of schools will be required to fill these appraisal forms each and every term for every teacher working in their schools. But even so, one needs to understand what the process entails, and today I’ll be showing you step by step how to access and fill these teachers’ appraisal forms online. Walk with me.
Click on your browser-and type This will take you straight to the Teachers Service Commission- Kenya (TSC). Click on the tab named online services and there will be a drop down of a number of categories, click on Teacher Appraisal. On your top right, click on login and then enter your login details so that you can access your TSC portal dashboard.
After logging in successfully, you will be taken to your dashboard. The dashboard will display the number of appraisal forms you’ve filled. To fill a new one, click on my institution so that you can go straight to your school’s page. This then will display all the appraisal forms filled for the teachers in your institution (if filled before, but if not, the page will be empty).
To fill an appraisal form for a particular teacher, go to your almost top right and using the particular teacher’s TSC number, enter the number and click search. This search will display the name of the particular teacher as well as the number of appraisal forms you’ve already filled for her. If never filled before, just click create new.
Just after the name of the teacher, click on create new tab. Here, you’ll be required to enter the year, term, appraiser’s TSC number, counter signing’s TSC number and appraisers title. Tick on the blank left asking if it is signed by the Head Teacher. Then click create.
A new form will appear. On the extreme right of the form, there is a button reading actions. Click on it so that you can access the drop-down of choices (sections)- teaching standards, teaching standards mass, learners’ progress, lesson attendance, professional development and appraisal remarks. All these need to be filled. For easier work, you can open each in a new tab. This can be done by placing your mouse over each and right clicking to select open in new tab option. In each of these, you need to feed a lot of information, so be patient as it takes time to do so.
Once you feed all the information (most of which is about selecting) click on the save button just below after every form field so that your data can be saved. Failure to do so it that you’ll lose data, time and other resources, again, you’ll have to redo the work.
If you’re using a single tab to fill in all the data for a single teacher, after saving your data, click on back to the appraisal to move to another field so that you can fill all of them. For each teacher, you’ll be needed to enter the class they teach, the subject and the combined score for that term for that particular subject and class. The same is to be repeated if the said teacher teaches multiple subjects in multiple classes.
You’ll fill the total number of lessons ought to be taught that term and the number of actual lessons that teacher taught for that term and finish with your remarks as the Head Teacher.
When you reach professional development section, kindly click create new and fill in your remarks. For every section, fill and save your data. Once you have finished all the section and saved your data for the particular teacher, your work is done. You can now fill an appraisal form for another teacher.
There no button to submit. As you save your data, it is automatically received by the TSC system, thus the importance of saving data in every field you fill. The process takes some time so prepare yourself adequately with all the performance records for each teacher for a smooth job.
Hope the article is helpful. Good luck.
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