How to Calculate PAYE in Kenya 2018

1 min read

Pay As You Earn (PAYE) is the mandatory tax levied on all employees’ income. In Kenya, the government manages the PAYE tax through the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), which collects the statutory contributions from the employer, before salary and wages are paid to the employee. This income tax applies to all employees, permanent, temporary, full time and part time except for the employment that is not longer than 1 month. The income tax applies to wages, salaries, commissions, allowances, fees, bonuses and any other income for which the employer is chargeable by the employee for services provided.

Casual employment may be referred to as that which is not longer than one month with any one employer and is not regular in nature.

It is the employer's statutory duty to deduct income tax from the pay of his employees whether or not he has been specifically told to do so by the Department.



Your Free online Pay as You Earn (PAYE) income tax calculator.Based on latest KRA,NHIF and NSSF rates.


From To Rate Tax
1 11,180 10% 1118
11,181 21,724 15% 41.9505
21,725 32,268 20% -2050.782
32,269 42,812 25% -5196.8725
Above 42,812 Unlimited 30% -9396.321
- - Tax -120.0495
Taxable Pay: 12000
PAYE before Relief:  1159.9505
Personal Relief: 1162
Nett PAYE: -120.0495
NHIF Deduction:  500
NSSF Deduction  540
Nett Income:  10540.0495

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(IF((Taxable income)>10164,10164*10%,0))(IF(((Taxable income)-10164)>0,IF(((Taxable income)-10164)>9576,9576*15%,((Taxable income)-10164)*15%),0))(IF(((Taxable income)-10164-9576)>0,IF(((Taxable income)-10164-9576)>9576,9576*20%,((Taxable income)-10164-9576)*20%),0))(IF(((Taxable income)-10164-9576-9576)>0,IF(((Taxable income)-10164-9576-9576)>9576,9576*25%,((Taxable income)-10164-9576-9576)*25%),0))(IF(((Taxable income)-10164-9576-9576-9576)>0,((Taxable income)-10164-9576-9576-9576)*30%,0))

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