How KNEC certificate replacements is done in Kenya

1 min read

It is possible that you can lose or might have lost your KCPE or KCSE certificate due to one reason or another. In Kenya, these two certificates are regarded highly as they prove to the world that you did attend both primary and secondary schools.

In early 2017, the Kenya National Examination Council, (KNEC) stopped replacement of lost, defaced or burnt certificates. Instead, they started offering a notification sheet indicating he or she sat for the examination in question.

It is good to note that the notification can only be issued once. So it is upon one to take care of the notification sheet once it is given to them.

In order to get the notification sheet, one needs to apply for one on the KNEC website (, create an account by signing up to receive login details for you to access their services. Click on the button labelled certificates to download the application form.

Before making an application, make sure you have the following:

  • Recommendation letter from the school or institution attended indicating the particular individual had been issued with an authentic KNEC certificate before.

  • If one is from a private centre or those whose former school or institution were closed down, one should acquire a letter from PDE or DEO.

  • The applicant should also possess a police abstract indicating that they lost their original certificates.

To be attached to the application form:

  • Sworn legal affidavit on the identity of the applicant

  • National identity card

  • KNEC bank deposit slip (Available in Equity, Cooperative, National and Commercial banks). The processing fee is Kshs. 5,800 on the higher side. KNEC does not accept cheques.

After this, carefully fill in the correct details in the application form you downloaded, attach all the relevant documents as listed above (including any other that may be required) and send them to the address below.


Council secretary/chief executive,

Kenya National Examination Council

P.O. BOX 73598-00200,

City Square, Nairobi.


For further inquiries, you can email you queries to


Contact details

Head Office

National Housing Corporation (NHC) House,

Aga Khan Walk,

Tel: +254 020317412/317413

Fax +2540202226032


Other offices

National Bank Building,

Harambee Avenue

Tel: +2540202469919


Mitihani House

Dennis Pritt Road, Kilimani

Tel: +2540202713874/0202713894


Industrial Area

Ministry of Public Works, Supplies Branch

Likoni Road

Tel: +254-020 650821/020-650822


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