How can a TSC teacher in kenya get a transfer , Get transferred/ Redeployed

1 min read

A TSC teacher can be transferred in kenya under the following circumstances:

  • After a study leave: A teacher granted a study leave exceeding six months shall apply for posting by the Commission at least thirty days before the expiry of the study leave.
  • After a leave granted to spouses of persons in diplomatic service: A spouse of a person in diplomatic mission/ service shall apply to the commission for posting one month before the end of assignment of duty.
  • After a disciplinary action like interdiction or suspension for a period not exceeding six months without payment of salaries and allowances.
  • After a transfer of service to the public service commission: The TSC may, Where a person applies for a transfer of service from the public commission to the TSC, approve the transfer subject to availability of a vacancy.

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tsc transfer forms 2018
tsc portal

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  • After expiry of tenure at a trade union like the Kenya National Union of Teachers, KNUT, and Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers, KUPPET.
  • After a substantive appointment: A teacher who is promoted and substantive appointed will be redeployed/ transferred to another station, subject to availability of such substantive posts like: Headship, Deputy Headship and Senior masters.
  • After posting from a primary to a secondary institution.
  • After applying to the commission for a transfer on medical grounds, with supportive evidence.
  • When working conditions are hostile and may jeopardize the teacher’s well being and security.
  • If there is need for equitable distribution and optimal utilization of teachers.
  • On an agreeable and tenable swoop request to the TSC.
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