These loans are for students joining public or private universities within the East African Community directly from high school either through the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) or as self-sponsored. Amounts awarded range between 35,000 minimum and 60,000 maximum based on the level of need.
The loan attracts interest of 4% p.a and the students are required to repay their loans on completion of their studies. Students are advised to apply at least one month before the opening date to allow ample time for processing.
Students are advised that the loans should be used mainly for:
Students are advised to desist from diverting the funds to leisure or other family obligations.
Undergraduate loan repayment starts within one year of completion of studies or within such a period as the Board decides to recall the loan whichever is earlier. However, you can make voluntary payments before or after you complete your studies to reduce your loan balance.