currently available PhD studentships at KEMRI Kenya Scholarships

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currently available PhD studentships  at  KEMRI  Kenya Scholarships

At the KEMRI-Welcome Trust Programme we are keen to build capacity for research in East Africa. We are aware that good PhD training is the foundation for a successful research career. As such, our PhD scheme is aimed at providing students with an opportunity to carry out their training in a high quality research environment. We have developed a quality-assured supervision system that includes a supervision teams of two or three senior researchers and student advisory committee that monitors the students' progress and advise on academic, career and if necessary social issues that may affect the students' progress. In addition, the students' progress is monitored through six monthly reports and an upgrading mini viva at the end of the first year to determine their suitability to continue with the PhD training. Our supervision system is internationally recognised and we are now an Affiliated Research Centre of the Open University of the UK with authority to wholly supervise students registered with that University.

The studentships are proposed by potential supervisors and are mainly funded through dedicated capacity building fund from the Wellcome Trust under the Initiative to Develop African Research Leaders (IDeAL) and at times through funding from collaborating initiatives such as SANTHE, WACCBIP and SSACAB. Admission to the PhD scheme is through winning a partial or full studentship in a competitive interview process.

Those who win the full studentships are appointed for a 3 months pre-registration position during which they are assessed for their suitability for registration for PhD. At the end of this period the students are formally assessed and are only allowed to submit their registration application if they pass the assessment otherwise the studentship is withdrawn. Registration is subject to meeting the full requirements for the target university. At the end of the first year of registration the students undergo an upgrading assessment. This assessment determines if they will continue with the PhD training, be downgraded to an MPhil or even have their studentship withdrawn.

Partial studentships are targeted at students who are already registered for PhD in local universities and provide support for the students to spend time at the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust carrying out their research project. Partial studentship will normally run for a shorter period than full studentships

Application process

To apply please create a new account then check your email. You will receive an email with instructions on how to login. After you login please click on PhD Application under "ADD NEW" tab on top of the page. Kindly fill in all the questions paying attention to word limits where indicated. After filling in each page you may click on PREVIEW to see the information you have just filled in then click on SAVE.

If DRAFT is checked, the information is saved but not submitted and you may edit or finish it later.

To submit please make sure DRAFT is unchecked and click SAVE. The information submitted before the deadline may still be edited but as of the deadline day it will be taken as your final submission irrespective of completion status.


Only shortlisted applicants will receive communication regarding their application

Currently available PhD studentships

Please note that the listed positions WILL BE CLOSED on the closing date. This means the applications must be submitted BEFORE the closing date.

Closing dateIDTitleLocationSupervisor
07 June 2017 PhD03/Adetifa Dayo/PCVImpactNig Estimating the effectiveness of a 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) in Nigeria in the absence of clinical surveillance data: can serial carriage surveys and mathematical modelling help? Kilifi Dr Ifedayo Adetifa
07 June 2017 PhD03/Adetifa Dayo/SeroVacK Serologic surveys for improving vaccination coverage estimates and monitoring population immunity in Kenya (The SEROVACK Study) Kilifi Dr Ifedayo Adetifa
07 June 2017 PhD03/Amin Hassan/WGShiv The discriminatory ability of pre-treatment HIV-1 low frequency drug resistance variants, detected using whole genome sequencing, to predict antiretroviral treatment outcomes Kilifi Dr Amin Hassan
07 June 2017 PhD03/Anthony Scott/PostPCV Understanding the transmission dynamics of Streptococcus pneumoniae in the setting of a mature pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) programme Kilifi Prof Anthony Scott
07 June 2017 PhD03/Charles Newton/Mentalburden Burden of Mental and Neurological Disorders in Kilifi, and the Implementation of mhGAP guidelines to improve mental health Kilifi Prof Charles Newton
07 June 2017 PhD03/Charles Sande/Infectsign Identifying the molecular signatures of serious acute infections in infants Kilifi Dr Charles Sande
07 June 2017 PhD03/Claire Gordon/Acinetorbactepi Epidemiology and clinical outcomes of Acinetobacter baumannii infections in Kilifi, Kenya. Kilifi Dr Claire Gordon
07 June 2017 PhD03/Claire Gordon/Ccarbapenresist Effect of carbapenem resistance on fitness and pathogenicity in Enterobacteriacea from Kilifi County Hospital, Kenya Kilifi Dr Claire Gordon
07 June 2017 PhD03/Dorcas Kamuya/Biobank The Value, benefits and risks of biobanking in LMIC’s Kilifi Dr. Dorcas Kamuya
07 June 2017 PhD03/Dorcas Kamuya/FWperfomance Influence of Capacity Building and Performance Management Systems on Fieldworkers’ Research and Ethics Practices in Africa Kilifi Dr. Dorcas Kamuya
07 June 2017 PhD03/Elise van der Elst/PrEP Assessing Pre-Exposure Prohylaxis (PrEP) implementation in Kilifi County, Kenya Kilifi Dr. Elise van der Elst
07 June 2017 PhD03/Francis Ndungu/MalDendritic How do malaria parasites paralyse Dendritic cells, and what are the downstream effects on the human immune response to malaria? Kilifi Dr Francis Ndungu
07 June 2017 PhD03/Francis Ndungu/malThelper Investigating follicular helper T cell (tfh) function in immunity to malaria Kilifi Dr Francis Ndungu
07 June 2017 PhD03/George Warimwe/Alphaviruses Estimating exposure to alphaviral infections in coastal Kenya Kilifi Dr George Warimwe
07 June 2017 PhD03/George Warimwe/Arbovipregnan Arboviral Infections in Pregnancy and their associations with adverse maternal, perinatal and neonatal outcomes in coastal Kenya Kilifi Dr George Warimwe
07 June 2017 PhD03/Mike English/lnfectKenhosp Rational, appropriate and correct treatment and the role of infection prevention and control in Kenya Hospitals Nairobi Prof. Mike English
07 June 2017 PhD03/Mike English/Mobgame A socio-technical approach to understanding the implementation of mobile games and virtual reality for medical education in low resource settings Nairobi Prof. Mike English
07 June 2017 PhD03/Sarah Atkinson/VitDafricchild Defining the genetic architecture of vitamin D status in African children Kilifi Dr. Sarah Atkinson
07 June 2017 PhD03/Tom Williams/HhaemoUganda The co-distribution and health impacts of Haemoglobin S, ГЇВЃВЎ-thalassaemia and G6PD deficiency in Uganda Kilifi Prof Tom Williams
07 June 2017 PhD03/Tom Williams/RBCmutprotection Investigating the mechanisms of protection conferred by a range of specific candidate red blood cell genetic polymorphisms Kilifi Prof Tom Williams
07 June 2017 SSCAB01/CN/Neuroimpair Projecting change in prevalence of neurological impairments between 2001 and 2016 in Kilifi, Kenya and their value in validating the new ILAE definitions of epilepsy Kilifi Professor Charles Newton & Dr Symon Kariuki
07 June 2017 SSCAB01/PM/RSVEPIDEM Understanding The Epidemiology of Respiratory Synctial Virus Kilifi Prof. James Nokes & Dr. Patrick Munywoki
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