This is how it stated
Ladies and gentlemen,
'Let me take this opportunity to thank all that were involved directly or indirectly to ensure that the July Pt, 2017 to June 30th, 2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) becomes a reality to the benefit of Kenyan teachers, and the Education sector in general. The primary objective and purpose of this CBA, the first ever Agreement to be signed between Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and teachers is to ensure that both Parties continue working harmoniously in negotiating the terms and conditions of service for teachers for the purpose of improving teaching standards and performance in the Teaching Service. Quality teachers who are well trained, well supported and well remunerated is central to the Delivery of the SDG4 agenda and governments must not only endeavour to recruit enough teachers but must Demonstrate both respect and support for teachers particularly in negotiating freely. The Agreement which we signed on October 25th, 2016 and whose Implementation Matrix has been agreed upon and signed today is intended to facilitate structured and constructive dialogue between Parties for the purpose of maintaining industrial peace in the Teaching Service. Ladies and gentlemen, the Matrix has been reached, and is now being released after a long winding journey that involved far-and-wide consultations and exhaustive negotiations. But at the end of it all, Kenyan teachers are now able to know what they would be earning from July pt, 2017 in the new CBA.
And though we agree that implementation of the Shs54 billion CBAdeal would be done in phases, we call on the employer to further endeavour to shorten the
period as there are several grades to address. We are prepared to amend the CBAto accommodate such positive changes.
A reasonable CBA should have a life span of two years, anything beyond 24 months contravenes International Labour Organization statutes, and is also bound to affect workers. More so, TSCshould start preparing to engage KNUT for the next CBA this time round in a friendlier manner than it has been the case previously. We should conform to ILO standards in future engagements. KNUT would not entertain barriers created by bodies like Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) in future CBA negotiations. SRC has since abandoned its duties and responsibilities to act as an agent of confusion in salary negotiations. We shall from now henceforth contest presence of bodies that interfere with free negotiations such as SRC before the next round of negotiations. According to ILO, negotiations are a tripartite business involving employer, union and the government Period. There should be No other busy bodies that end up creating obstacles to the detriment of workers. The Next
CBA should be negotiated and signed in line with ILO Conventions and standards. We call on TSC to hire more teachers to address Curriculum Based Establishment (CEB) that is already worrying parents as pupils/students presently in majority of schools are not getting quality education as required. The proposed hiring of 5,000 teachers to address teacher shortfall in 21,718 Primary schools and 7,686 Secondary schools is laughable. In the same breath, I call on the Commission to address all pending cases of promotions with new higher qualifications before the general elections without without further delay. Finally, the CEOTSC, Ms. Nancy Njeri Macharia OGW, should now proceed and issue the implementation circular on the CBA.'